Pop-Surrealism continued to influence Kirsty’s artwork in 2014 but with new influences from artists such as Simona Candini, Ana Bagayan and Camilla D’Errico.
Using acrylic paint, soft chalk pastel on canvas or cardboard these artworks explored women villains who are capable of unspeakable acts. These women are objectificated by the viewer who may only see them as a sexual object much like a doll they are beautiful but once used they are often neglected and tossed aside.
Dolls are often stereotyped as feminine, cute and all things sweet. In this series that stereotype has been turned on its head. The dolls in this series are all incredibly creepy. The dolls all have a stereotyped ‘cute’ appearance of larger eyes and smaller features.
But behind their beauty is something creepy that cannot be ignored no matter how beautiful their exterior appears.